Parts Seller

Part Seller

Sell your parts directly to the most active heavy construction equipment buyers in the industry.

With PartSeller your parts will show up directly in the search results of the most active heavy construction equipment buyers in the industry. Since 1992, the industries most active dealers have used NetCom Services parts network to locate heavy construction parts. Our members look for tens of thousands of parts every month. And now for the first time we are broadening our service to allow more heavy equipment part suppliers the opportunity to make sales.

How it works

1. Send us your heavy construction parts

Once we receive your file we will optimize it so that you have the highest chance of your parts being requested.

2. Get notified when someone matches your parts

Email notifications allow you to respond back immediately. Or you can have our application automatically quote your sales price. Your choice.

3. Make a sale

Communicate with the buyer through our application and make a sale.


  • Sell to most active buyers in industry
  • Low return rates - our customers know exactly what they are looking for
  • Get paid quickly


Sellers must have all of the parts they are listing at their company's own facility. No brokers or resellers are allowed.

Learn more

Contact us at (800)775-2962 or email to learn more.